Do you have an existing wood stove and need a new chimney and black pipe?
Sometimes that can be made to work and work well.
We use the best chimney made in the world and know it will provide the PEACE of MIND you deserve.
Yes even with snow on a steel roof we were up there, safely roped in and doing a job for customer.
Chimney was ICC EXCEL with lifetime warranty and black pipe is double wall ICC ULTRABlack.
Always look for a WETT Certified Technician or WETT Certified Advanced Technician.
We also provide the WETT Report for your insurance company at NO EXTRA COST when we do any installation. Realistically anybody should but many do not. We have a WETT Certified Comprehensive Inspector and WETT Certified Basic Inspector to help you.
Having said that, you will still need to maintain that stove and we have WETT Certified Advanced Chimney Sweep to be there for you year after year.
In this particular case the seasonal home was under renovations and more work will still be done.
But it does give you some idea of a wood stove installation and a chimney.
Note: as the pipe inside is over 10 feet, double wall is required by code. However, regardless of length, double wall pipe ALWAYS performs better.
Also note: ICC EXCEL and ICC ULTRABlack both have lifetime warranty if installed by a WETT Certified Technician.
It is true that good products pay in the long run, we believe that strongly and will only use the very best for you. Your PEACE of MIND and family safety are our ultimate concern and we are in it for the long haul and will be there for you when and where you need us.
Call today for a FREE estimate and an Installation.