check out this article :
Why It’s Important to do More than The Basic Home Inspection
How do you know if your home is safe unless you have a professional opinion?
Hiring a Wood Energy Technology Transfer (WETT) Certified Professional helps to give you (and your insurance) peace of mind when it comes to your wood burning appliance.
At WellSwept Chimneys our team of SITE Comprehensive Inspectors provide a thorough WETT Report on your wood burning appliance and will verify that your fireplace, wood stove or furnace meets industry and manufacturer standards and requirements for safety and insurance purposes.
We Report on
We will also inform you of potential maintenance and repair work needed in the future.

Not Every Inspection Is The Same
Did you know the standard for “chimney inspections” is what is known as a Level 1 Inspection. This is a basic visual inspection of the external aspects of a wood burning system.
A Level 1 inspection only provides assurance on the certification of the stove and it’s compliance with safety regulations as they pertain to proximity to combustibles along with obvious visual concerns.
At WellSwept Chimneys we never do “just a Level 1”.
We believe it’s imperative to know what’s going on INSIDE the chimney in order to conclude on it’s safety.
That’s why EVERY inspection includes an internal look at your wood burning unit. Our team uses state-of-the-art cameras to take a closer look at your flue / liner and includes known issues in every WETT Report Issued.

Buying a new home? We will work with your realtor to get your WETT Inspection done quickly and hassle free.
As a “Congratulations on Purchase” we will even provide you with a $50 rebate on your first sweep in your new home!
Think you might need a WETT Inspection? Contact us today.