Autumn and winter are ridiculously busy for chimney sweeps and solid fuel professionals in general. Beginning in mid-August until early the following year are usually crazy busy. We do our best, but it is not uncommon for people calling the first time to be surprised or even disappointed when they may have to wait a bit. Most are happy to wait and many are in seasonal homes or cottages and have difficult schedules, and we do work as hard as we can to accommodate those schedules – even working into the evenings and on weekends at times. Why are we busy? Well because many wait until the last minute, we are in demand as the customers love the care we take with their system and the PEACE of MIND we deliver. We have repeat customers and we are good at what we do. We will not rush your job or any job simply to fit more into the schedule. Sometimes we are in your area, we have a small gap in schedule and will try to fit you in. That is why we encourage you to have the sweep done earlier in the year, looking at the spring/summertime as options allows more flexible scheduling. Keep in mind that every system is different and it takes experience and training to do the job right. Do not simply settle on “anybody” who claims to be a sweep – not all are trained or certified. In fact likely less than half who advertise sweeps are actually certified sweeps! In chimney maintenance there simply is no ‘one size fits all’, and thinking that you just need ‘someone’ to sweep your chimney is the completely the wrong way of looking at it. What you need is a good, solid, reliable, professional certified sweep to do it. Obviously you should look at everything including information available – with reviews and certifications being of utmost importance. If it means you need to wait for the best, then you owe it to yourself and your family to do that. We are a WETT Certified Advanced Chimney Sweep and work hard to ensure you get the VERY BEST – call today for PEACE of MIND.

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