It is still snowy and the winter has not let go of the hold on the area.

However it does not mean that you still do not need a WETT Inspection?  And it does not mean we can not help.

It is important to get an inspection on any new system, any changes to an existing system, when you purchase property or when you change insurance companies.

 The realtor or broker may actually refer to as a WETT Certification or a WETT Certificate, technically both are incorrect as it is really a code inspection, however it matters not.

We have tools to properly inspect the inside and outside of the system, cameras to look at the inner portions of the chimney.

We have a WETT Certified Advanced Technician who understands the systems and how to install them or repair if needed.

We have a WETT Certified Comprehensive Inspector who can provide the necessary information you need to get not only the details needed for the insurance company but also that PEACE of MIND.

We also have a WETT Certified Advanced Chimney sweep who can provide guidance on an ongoing basis on how to use the system and who can properly clean it for you.

Call us today for any help you need.



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