by WellSwept | Feb 24, 2020 | Chimney Cleaning, Chimney Sweep, WETT Certified, WETT Inspection
If you call a Certified Chimney Sweep to your home for your annual cleaning you may be interested to know what equipment they may bring. Well we cover a large geographic area and over that area there are many, many different chimneys. Yes we cover from the...
by WellSwept | Feb 23, 2020 | WETT Certified, WETT Inspection, Wood Stove, Wood Stove Installation
Should you buy a used wood-stove? If so what do you look for? As a side note – this does not suggest the stoves shown on the left are good stoves or good options – only examples of what you may in fact see for sale. Well, some will always try to sell you...
by WellSwept | Feb 23, 2020 | Chimney Cleaning, Chimney Sweep, WETT Certified, WETT Inspection, Wood Stove Installation
So you have have an insert or you are going to install an insert, and want to know if you need a liner? Well the short answer is yes. There are two types of liners, the most common with an insert is by far the flexible stainless steel liner. Challenges can be met with...
by WellSwept | Feb 22, 2020 | Chimney Cleaning, Chimney Sweep, WETT Certified, WETT Inspection
Your stove is designed to burn well seasoned firewood; and with proper wood it will burn cleaner and more efficiently. Green, wet or unseasoned wood will cause more smoke, a bigger creosote buildup, potentially odours in the house and even potentially dangerous...
by WellSwept | Feb 21, 2020 | Wood Stove, Wood Stove Installation
Why do we install and sell ICC EXCEL chimney? Generally one simple reason comes to mind – PEACE of MIND. Your PEACE of MIND. You see the comfort and safety of customers has always been the #1 concern since the beginning and everything else is secondary....