Do I Need A WETT Inspection On My New Home?
So you just put an offer on a new home!! Or maybe you have moved in already! Exciting times. And you have a fireplace or wood stove!! Nothing is nicer than snuggling up in front of a fireplace with a bottle of wine and chocolates on a cold day. Or maybe it is the...
A Few Chimney Related Myths
There’s a lot of myths and misconceptions about chimneys and wood-stoves, many simply from lack of knowledge and some from myths passed down over the years. ‘My downstairs fire connects to the fire upstairs in my bedroom’ For the most part is is incorrect. The flues...
Installation of Wood Stove – Gloucester Pool
Do you have an existing wood stove and need a new chimney and black pipe? Sometimes that can be made to work and work well. We use the best chimney made in the world and know it will provide the PEACE of MIND you deserve. Yes even with snow on a steel roof we were...
The EPA Has Declared That Burning Wood Is Carbon Neutral.
It is true that the EPA does consider burning wood bio-mass as being carbon neutral and as a green energy source. However it is a bit more complex than a simple statement. Reality is that biomass is only sustainable on longer time periods. Trees and forest are...
What Are The Benefits Of A Woodstove?
You are interested in a wood-stove! Perhaps you grew up with one or maybe it is a brand new experience. Realistically a properly installed wood-stove can be an asset to a home, be it your primary residence or a seasonal get away. Of course the wood stove adds...
The Importance Of A Good Inspection
A proper inspection of a wood burning system is critical. But when do you need one? Well the obvious time is when you are purchasing a new property. But also when you first get a system installed or make any changes to the system one is necessary. When changing...
Spring Cleaning Includes Your Chimney
When many think of chimney sweeping, they think of the fall. Not because that is the best time, but because they have waited until then and then rush to get it completed before they need the heat! In fact, spring and summer are great times to clean chimneys and in...
Creosote in Chimneys: How it’s formed and why it is a fire/carbon monoxide risk
Sadly many Working to minimize creosote build-up is the goal of every person burning wood. It is true that all wood burning will create some creosote, it is simple chemistry really. As the wood heats, it releases a complex hydro-carbon in gas form, which is actually...
My bricks in wood stove have cracked!
Most wood stoves in our area have some refractory bricks or stove bricks in them somewhere, and these bricks do provide an important role in the wood stove performance. The generally are made from clay and they all will eventually crack. That is actually nothing to be...